
data options#

chartscii accepts data in objects or simply an array of numeric values

[{ value: 2, label: 'some_label' }, { value: 2, label: 'some_label' }]
[3, 34, 45]

label (string)#

a label for the data point
display in color if color: true
displays a unique color if provided in data array. (e.g { value: 3, color: 'red' })

value (number)#

a value for the bar chart

color (string)#

a color to paint the bar, and label if colorLabel: true
color should correspond to the supported colors

chart options#

label (string)#

a label for the chart. display in color if color: true

width (number)#

the width of the chart, scales values accordingly
default: 100

sort (boolean)#

sort data
default: false

reverse (boolean)#

reverse chart values order
default: false

char (string)#

ascii char for bars
default: โ–ˆ

fill (string)#

fill chart with ascii character.
no default.
recommended: โ–‘

color (string)#

color bars in chart and label if provided.
see supported colors

percentage (boolean)#

show percentage of each bar, using the highest value in the provided data array
default false

colorLabels (boolean)#

color labels as well
default false

naked (boolean)#

don't print chart ascii structure default false

supported colors#

these are the currently supported colors for chartscii, provided as string in the data object (e.g { value: 3, color: 'green' })